
JVEsoft Cross Platform Infrastructure Component Suite

This Delphi XE4 – 11 Alexandria cross platform component suite, by JVEsoft ltd., features 28 components (8 controls and 20 non-visual components) and provides access to a wide array of features, expected from modern applications.

The components provide the following general functions:
Google Analytics
Chartboost, Facebook Audience NetworkAdMob and other advertising
MobFox and PubNative native advertising
* Generic banners, native ads and interstitials support
Push notifications (raw requests or via PushWoosh)
TwitterFacebook and SinaWeibo sharing
In-App purchases (via AppStore and/or PayPal)
* Viewing products in AppStore and Google Play
* Variable screen-size oriented layout
* Embedded browser
* Email sending
* App Rating reminders
* Persistent storage and in-progress app shading

All the components can be used on all the platforms, supported by Delphi XE4 – 11 Alexandria (Android not being available in Delphi XE4; some functionality not available in XE5): iOS Device, iOS Simulator, Android, Mac OS X, 32-bit Windows and 64-bit Windows (Windows RT is not currently supported), except Linux.

Not all features are supported on all platforms (for example advertising is only available on mobile), but fallback features are provided (fallback to in-house ads, for example) and no component will fail on a wrong platform.

All these components were thoroughly checked in Delphi XE4 – 11 Alexandria and running on a real Windows 7, 10 and 11, Mac OS X 10.8.4 – 11.6, various Android phones and tablets, iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch (however no warranty implicit or explicit is provided with this suite).

Full 40 pages long Technical Manual is available here

To get priority support for any issues, related to this suite, write directly to