End of Life

Sadly, I must say that piracy won.

I am hereby officially ending support for the JVEsuite. I thank all the people who purchased the suite and I hope that it was worth your while. I will refund the three (!) people who purchased the suite in the last half a year, as I feel that would be fair.

The code is now freely available at https://github.com/yegork78/JVEsuite whoever wants to pick it up, support and update it, is welcomed to do so.

It was nice while it lasted. Alas, it’s over.

Good bye!

P.S.: To show your appreciation, especially if you bought the suite from a pirate, you’re invited to use this link: https://paypal.me/jvesoft — sadly it will anyway not grand you support…

Technical data: this site still gets dozens of visitors daily and hundreds monthly:

But here is how the purchase history looks:

And what can you expect, if pirates are happy to sell the suite for under $10 — https://downloaddevtools.com/en/product/2672/download-jve-pack-component-1

Anyway, thanks to the asshole that uploaded the suite there or somewhere else — there is no more suite.

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