Configuring Payments

Configuring Apple’s In-App Payments

This document assumes basic knowledge of In-App Payments on Apple platforms. To use Apple’s In‑App Purchases:

  • The app must be created in iTunesConnect
  • It must not use a wildcard bundle identifier
  • In-App Payments items should be created for the app in iTunesConnect
  • Delphi project should reference the correct bundle id (in Project ➡ Options ➡ Version Info ➡ iOS Device / Simulator platform ➡ CFBundleIdentifier).
  • Exact Product ID of each In-App item should be used within the payment item’s Identifier property


Configuring PayPal Payments

Since PayPal stopped issuing Adaptive Payments credentials, you might not be able to use PayPal in your application. Currently PayPal integration should be considered legacy functionality.

To use PayPal on Windows you need OpenSSL configured; see Starting Your Work section above. On any platform you also need valid PayPal credentials (the ones supplied with this component as default (and visible in the screenshots), are published sandbox credentials, which cannot be used in production).

Getting the PPAPIApplicationId:

  • Go to and login.
  • Click New App under My Applications and fill your app data (important: tick Basic Payments under Adaptive Payments). If you don’t choose to many extra items in that screen, your app should be automatically approved.
  • On the main screen you will now have your Sandbox ID and Live App ID, set the PPAPIApplicationId property to one of them (set PPAPISendbox appropriately).


Getting the PPAPIUserId, PPAPIPassword and PPAPISignature:

  • Go to and login.
  • To use PayPal API you must have a Premier or Business PayPal account (you can upgrade Personal to Premier account for free in a minute by clicking Upgrade next to Account Type field on My Account à Overview; you can also have separate accounts for this).
  • Go to My Account à Profile and choose API Access under Account Information.
  • Choose Option 2 – Request API credentials.
  • Choose the left option – Request API signature and click Agree and Submit.
  • Copy the API Username, API Password and Signature to the matching properties, then click “Done”.


Configuring Android’s In-App Payments

This document assumes basic knowledge of In-App Billing in Google Play. To use payment the following should be done:

  • The app must be created in Google Play.
  • The app must be compiled with valid certificates.
  • A beta binary must be uploaded with billing permissions.
  • In-App products should be created.
  • A license key property of the component should be set.
  • Android testing should be done with a Google account, having permission to test.
  • Exact Product ID of each In-App item should be used within the payment item’s Identifier property.